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The Lion and the Jewel (Three Crowns Book)FREE DOWNLOAD

The Lion and the Jewel (Three Crowns Book)FREE DOWNLOAD

  • Series: Three Crowns Book
  • Paperback: 72 pages
  • Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA (December 31, 1966)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0199110832
  • ISBN-13: 978-0199110834

 Marriage, love, education, loyalty, power, and roles of men and women are many social issues that are portrayed in Wole Soyinka's play, The Lion and the Jewel. This play is outstanding, in that it leaves the reader full of emotions such as anger, a sense of reflection, confusion, and joy. Wole Soyinka successfully portrays society in this play. Each of the characters in the play represents a part of human nature. Baroka (the Bale) represents the power and manipulation in a person. Sidi represents the naïve, and egotistical qualities of humans. She believes that her self worth is above and beyond others, including Baroka, the most powerful man in the village. Lakunle represents the human nature of changing what has already been established, such as his want to change the village of Ilujinle, into a modernized city as that of England. He seeks to make people more educated and believes that he has power to change the world, when in reality he is not respected, because the village does not accept change. Sadiku, Baroka's main wife, is his betrayer. She betrays him and receives satisfaction when she hears that the most powerful man has become impotent. She represents a part of humans in that some of us have betrayed others in some way. She represents those who are overjoyed when hearing about others disadvantage and tries to gain something out of the situation. Wole Soyinka's play is exceptional. It will keep the reader interested and it will make the reader reflect on him/herself as well as the society that they live in. It delves into the issues of power, modernization vs. tradition, deceit, love, marriage, and the roles of men and women.
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